
Under Nkrumah CPP, Ghana Punched Above Its Weight Internationally and Nationally – Onsy

Nkrumah NSG News

If we compare Ghana under Nkrumah CPP government and Ghana under several successive military and duopoly governments, the difference is too glaringly obvious and too vast to overlook , miss or deny – Fact!

Under Nkrumah CPP Ghana was internationally and nationally punching way above her weight or her size or her economic power or military power, right?

Why then? What was the real great difference which caused the great advantage which Ghana manifestly and undeniably had during the first republic?

Was it “Nkrumah CPP” which was then fit for purpose and fit for political power?

Some analysts reckon the real difference and the obvious advantage was caused by Nkrumah’s visionary wisdom and his brain power which gave him that legendary midas touch!

Perhaps it was a combination of both which created that magical winsome formula!

Let us all aim to revive and restore Nkrumah CPP to make it fit for political power once again under genuine Nkrumanist leadership.

So Help Us God.


Written by Onsy Nkrumah

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