
The North is not a tribe: Let’s Stop the tribalism – Abdul Hayi Moomen

northen ghana

Northern Ghana is a vast and beautiful geographical area, stretching across multiple regions and home to numerous distinct ethnic groups, languages, and cultures. From the serene landscapes of the Upper West Region to the vibrant communities of the Savannah and Upper East Regions, the diversity in the “North” is as vast as the land itself.

It is important to understand that many tribes in Northern Ghana are separated by great distances, with members hardly ever interacting because of the sheer geography. A person from Manwe in the Upper West Region, for instance, shares no familial, ethnic, or linguistic ties with someone from Nanton in the Northern Region—just as someone from Swedru in the Central Region has no tribal connections with someone from Nkoranza in the Bono East Region.

Yet, in recent days, there have been attempts to lump all “Northerners” into one group in the discourse around the nomination of three ministers-designate. Some individuals are peddling the notion of tribal favoritism in these appointments, which is both ignorant and dangerous.

Let’s set the record straight:

Hon. John Jinapor hails from the Savannah Region.

Hon. Dominic Ayine is from the Upper East Region.

These are two distinct regions, separated by over 200 miles, with unique languages, cultures, and histories. Lumping them together simply because they are from “Northern Ghana” is as uninformed as saying that someone from Cape Coast and someone from Koforidua belongs to the same tribe.

Others have even questioned why President Mahama endorsed Hon. Alban Bagbin as Speaker of Parliament when both of them are “Northerners”. Again, President Mahama is from the Savannah Region, whilst Hon. Bagbin is from the Upper West Region.

The truth is this: “The North” is not a tribe. It is a diverse area with rich and varied cultures, just as southern Ghana comprises distinct ethnic groups with their own unique identities. If we insist on lumping all appointees from Northern Ghana together, perhaps it’s time to lump all appointees from Southern Ghana into one “tribe” too.

So, let’s do the math: Are we ready to reduce the rich tapestry of Ghana’s diverse heritage into such simplistic and divisive narratives? Or can we rise above this tribalism and appreciate that appointments are made based on merit, not the convenience boxes we try to fit people into?

Let’s educate ourselves. Let’s celebrate our diversity. And most importantly, let’s stop the tribalism.

By Abdul Hayi Moomen

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