
Out of Order Ghana Military – Innocent Ghanaians Tortured


Some soldiers in the Ghana armed forces gravely violated the inalienable rights of some Ghanaians alleged to have killed a soldier in Ashaiman suburb.
Every Ghanaian is entitled to a fair trial.

However, some soldiers from the Ghana armed forces took matters in to their own hands without any form of trial, gravely tortured some Ghanaian individual who could actually be innocent.

The culprits should be held liable with no room for excuses.

The Hot Seat see this as a repugnant behaviour and calls for the soldiers responsible for this extreme level of brutality to be dishonourably discharged from the military.

There was an incident in the UK a while ago. A British soldier was butchered (murdered) in broad day light on the street of UK. The British army did not storm the streets to beat or torture suspect individuals or groups.

The matter was handled by the police and thorough investigation made. Why can’t this be the story in Ghana?

This is not the first time soldiers in Ghana have taken matters in to their own hands and maltreat fellow Ghanaians they are actually enlisted to protect.
If this lawless behaviour is allowed to continue, no one is safe, even the president – The soldiers can just drive to any location including the jubilee house and do whatever they like.
The soldiers involved in the maltreatment of these innocent Ghanaians have to be used as an example for the rest – they should be discharged with immediate effect.

Their behaviour violates the provisions in the constitution of the Republic of Ghana and should be held liable.

God bless mother Ghana – Long live the 4th republic

The Hot Seat – NSG News

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